Aerial image of an Asháninka village in the rainforest.

Act Now

Everyone can help to protect rainforest, and there are plenty of ways to do it.

The time to act is now.

Supporting Cool Earth is easy. You can donate cash, challenge yourself and fundraise for rainforest, be a Payroll Giving champion at work, shout about how you’re taking climate action or buy some rainforest-saving chocolate.

If you are looking for the best way to back people, protect rainforest and fight the climate crisis, you’ve come to the right place.

Back people with cash

There are multiple ways you can donate to Cool Earth, give tax-free through workplace giving or make a single donation to keep trees standing. Explore ways to donate.

I would like to do my part and try to save the rainforests. Aleesha, Cool Earth Ambassador

Take climate action

Don't have the cash to donate or the time to fundraise? Not a problem, you can still help - share our updates on social media, sign up for our newsletter, or simply have a conversation about the wonders of rainforest with a friend.

Take Climate Action

Work for a business?

Champion climate action in your workplace and get your company and team involved in positive climate action.

Get in touch

And if none of the above apply to you right now, you can still help – share our updates on social media, sign up for impact into your inbox with our newsletter, or simply have a conversation about the wonders of rainforest with a friend.

No matter where you are in the world, or whether or not you can give cash to the cause, you can help end the climate crisis and back the real climate experts – people living in rainforest.