An aerial image of a sunrise over tropical rainforest in Cambodia.

News and Stories

We see incredible climate action take place in rainforest around the world each and every day. Find stories and news to inspire your own climate action now.

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New Rainforest Lab in Papua New Guinea

It’s easier to take climate action once you know what you’re up against. Did you know there are tiny Labs dotted around some of the world’s most remote rainforests, protecting the forest and communities from threats such as illegal logging…

Big win for rainforest protection in Papua New Guinea

A protected Areas Act, 14 years in the making, has finally been approved by the Government in Papua New Guinea. The bill paves the way for Indigenous peoples and rainforest communities to work with the Papua New Guinea government to…

Reasons to look after rainforests

‘Why should we look after rainforests? How does it effect me when I don’t live there?’ We’re sure you’ve thought about these questions before. They’re fair questions to think about! So, let’s have a quick look at a few key…

The best method to protect rainforests

A question we often get asked is: “Why is what you do better than other methods to protect rainforests? ”. The simple answer is, that it just makes sense. It’s fair to people and the “natural” world. Many of us…

Schools taking action for rainforest protection

The Awajún communities of Urakuza and Huaracayo steward over 18,000 hectares of Peruvian Amazon rainforest. The schools of both communities actively engage in rainforest protection activities, strengthening the knowledge of children of all ages so that they can lead the…

Native crops, sustainable crops

Have you ever heard of the pijuayo? In Amazonas, Peru, this plant is about to become more abundant than ever to help 134 families in Awajún communities improve their nutrition and agricultural practices. The pijuayo is a native…

Peru’s Genocide Bill

Indigenous Peoples fighting for their life Right now in Peru, a bill dubbed the ‘Genocide Bill’ has been proposed to reverse a law that for the past 17 years has guaranteed the life, integrity and territory of Indigenous peoples in…

Our Forest, Our Future

We partner with communities all over the world to back the people who rely on, live in and protect the rainforest – Indigenous peoples and local communities. This includes our partners in Gabon, Organisation Ecologique des Lacs et de…