An aerial image of a sunrise over tropical rainforest in Cambodia.

News and Stories

We see incredible climate action take place in rainforest around the world each and every day. Find stories and news to inspire your own climate action now.

Stories shape the future.

You Asked, We Answered: Basic Income Pilot

In case you missed it, we launched the world’s first basic income pilot for people living in the rainforest last week.  We received an incredible response to this news. So much so that we wanted to address…

World’s First basic income pilot for Indigenous Peoples

Big news! Your donations are going directly to Indigenous peoples who are protecting the Amazon rainforest. No middlemen, no faff, just cash in the hands of the people with an unbeatable record of keeping rainforests safe. It’s all thanks to…

The best method to protect rainforests

A question we often get asked is: “Why is what you do better than other methods to protect rainforests? ”. The simple answer is, that it just makes sense. It’s fair to people and the “natural” world. Many of us…

Three reasons why the climate crisis is an inequity crisis

The climate crisis not only affects the environment, it also has profound consequences for human rights. As the impacts of the climate crisis intensify, the existing inequalities in accessing basic human rights for people around the world become…

5 emergencies facing Indigenous communities

Here are 5 emergencies faced by Indigenous communities due to the climate crisis Indigenous people and local communities are disproportionately affected by the climate crisis due to the fact that they live in climate-vulnerable areas and…

Our Forest, Our Future

We partner with communities all over the world to back the people who rely on, live in and protect the rainforest – Indigenous peoples and local communities. This includes our partners in Gabon, Organisation Ecologique des Lacs et de…

Why is it so dangerous to defend the rainforest in Peru?

Back people to protect rainforest On April 8th, Asháninka leader Santiago Contoricón, 58, was tragically murdered in his home in the community of Puerto Ocopa (Junín, Peru). His death is a sad reminder that Peru is one of the ten…

An update on the political situation in Peru

As the political crisis in Peru continues, our thoughts and unconditional support are with our partners and teams in Peru. Since our last statement on the political crisis in Peru, the situation has continued to worsen. A mounting death…