Heavy rain falling down onto grass roof with rainforest in the background

More storms weather in Papua New Guinea

And while aftershocks continue to rock the highlands, storms rock the lowlands.

Heavy rain falling down onto grass roof, with rainforest in the background

Gadaisu village was on the edge of a tropical storm over the weekend and has the scars to prove it. Home’s have suffered the brunt of the storm with one home partly collapsing, blown over by strong winds and rain.

The family living there have temporarily moved to Godidi, a hamlet about half a mile inland, until the community can repair the house.

We’ve seen first-hand how swiftly Gadaisu village springs into action after an emergency, with everyone pitching in to help with the clean-up operation. The family will be back in their house in no time.

But rebuilding houses is only a short-term solution. People we talk to are concerned that these events are getting worse and more frequent. Several are considering moving their homes further inland to shield themselves and their families.

Our partner communities in Papua New Guinea are facing more and more extreme weather as the effects of climate change intensify. It’s now more important than ever to support those villages on the edge of the climate frontier.