Bike-packing | Meet fundraiser, Julian

Have you ever thought about taking an epic cycle trip and fundraising along the way?

Meet Julian Häbel, 26, who is taking on approximately 2,000 kilometres on his bike-packing adventure from cycling from Oostende, Belgium to Belfast, Northern Ireland.

1. Tell us a little bit about yourself

Hi, I am Julian, 26y old, live and work in Neu-Ulm (Bavaria 🇩🇪) and in addition to organizing sports events I regularly do triathlons including running, swimming and cycling.

2. What is your fundraising challenge and what motivated you to take it on?

The challenge is cycling on my own from Oostende to Belfast within 30 days. I’m doing the trip for myself but I also want to give something back and thought about a fundraising challenge. The donation will depend on the kilometres/ miles of my trip or the altitude difference. A small amount is chosen for each kilometre or each 10m of altitude difference.


3. What did you have to do to prepare?

The project concept was built in process and the main question was how to do it the easiest way for me to prepare and for the others to follow and donate. My brother helped me with his graphic design work to make a flyer and I did the online part – promoting my fundraiser and setting up my page so that friends and family could find out more about what I was planning to do, where they could donate, etc.

4. How are you finding the challenge so far?

The journey is full of ups and downs. It’s not always easy to keep a clear mind. But you learn that there is a solution for every problem. The problems I’ve come across are never insoluble. Sometimes the solution is very clear and sometimes it takes a bit longer to figure out. I just need to continue accepting the situation as it is and do my best with it.

5. What has been the most challenging part so far?

Most challenging has been to realise that I am completely on my own in every situation and I have to trust in myself to make the right decision.

6. And your favourite part?

There are so much great moments. The best are the unpredictables. A pub with a view of the ocean, a great camping place, nice gatherings,…

7. How did you find out about Cool Earth and why did you choose to fundraise for us?

I asked friends if they know any organisations they would recommend. A friend in my hometown studies environmental leadership and they made a foundation for Cool Earth and had them good in memory. So I looked at the website and it made a good impression. Very simple.

8. Do you have three recommendations for people taking on a challenge like yours?

Less is more. Don’t take too much with you. Check the route before you start. In Germany, we say: “what you don’t have in your head, you got in your legs.” Have fixed places for your items. It saves a lot of time.

9. How have you kept motivated?

It’s a challenge and it’s like a little guy sits on your shoulder and is whispering “It was your idea. So move your ass.”

10. What is your top tip to others who want to fundraise for Cool Earth?

Get in contact with Cool Earth. They will give input to your project which makes it a lot easier to create a fundraiser.

And finally, I have to say everything I do here is privileged. There are many people out there, who have no real home, they don’t know what to eat, and they can’t buy a coffee/tea to escape the weather. I have a good job, holidays, money for the journey, can interrupt at every time, have a hot shower almost every day, and don’t have to fight to survive. Thi is a huge problem for a large part of the population. I always have to be aware of that.

Want to follow Julian’s progress or donate to his fundraiser – check out his page here.

Feeling inspired? Ready to take on your own epic fundraiser? Check out our fundraising page or get in touch we’d love to hear your ideas.