Aerial drone image of the rainforest and a small river at Amboro National Park, Bolivia

A Celebration of Rainforest

Forests cover a third of Earth’s land surface.

They are integral to every moment of our daily lives, providing water and oxygen for all of us, and home and livelihood for millions. It is vital to protect this essential natural resource.

That’s why conserving rainforest is at the core of what Cool Earth was created to do.

A single hectare of tropical rainforest may contain more than 480 species of tree.

Rainforests are home to two-thirds of all living animal and plant species on the planet, with hundreds of millions of species still undiscovered. In the Amazon rainforest, such as in Cool Earth’s Peru partnerships, a single square mile of rainforest often houses more than 50,000 insect species.

Forests remove atmospheric carbon dioxide and keep it locked away. They store a substantial portion of the roughly 10 billion tons of carbon we pump into the air. When deforestation takes place, or the rainforest is burnt, vast quantities of this carbon are released back into the atmosphere.

Human activity is threatening the most critical part of the carbon cycle, with potentially disastrous consequences.

Cool Earth backs people to protect rainforest and fight the climate crisis.

More than 1.6 billion people, or 25% of the world’s population, rely on forest resources for their livelihoods.

That’s why Cool Earth works with communities on the front line of deforestation. They are the forest’s best custodians and our best chance for preserving this vital natural resource.

Further reading: