The Adventurists | Monkey Run Morocco | Jake Lee Kennedy

Can you imagine riding a 50cc Monkey Bike through the Sahara desert?

We caught up with Jake who took part in The Adventurist’s Monkey Run Morocco in May 2023, who shares with us what you can expect…

1. Can you tell us a little about the Monkey Run Morocco?

The Monkey Run Morocco is a rather eccentric challenge to ride a monkey bike  (a tiny 50cc glorified toy) several hundred kilometers across the Sahara Desert and the Atlas Mountains from Merzouga to Marrakech.

2. What was your motivation for taking part?

The challenge and adventure, the opportunity to meet the other sorts of people who take part in such questionable activities.

3. What did you have to do to prepare?

No preparation makes it more fun, once we arrived at the start camp there was lots of route planning however! We were also told to bring lots of duct tape and zip ties for repairs and such and both were indispensable.

4. How did you find the journey?

Grueling/exhausting but also hilarious and a lot of fun, and an incredible way to see the less seen parts of Morocco.

5. What was your favourite part?

Being in the High Atlas, the views were mind boggling, this was also the hardest part with lots of pushing uphill on dirt tracks!

6. And your least?

The final race to the finish line was rather boring, and riding in Marrakech is terrifying! They go by different rules known to no one.

7. Do you have three top tips for people taking on a challenge like yours?

I’d say don’t set any expectations; consider doing it on your own, you’ll meet lots of lovely like-minded people; bring a few tools, duct tape and zip ties.

8. Why was it important for you to fundraise for Cool Earth?

Forests are some of Earth’s most important natural resources, we need to do all we can to protect them, Cool Earth sounds like they’re doing a fine job of it!

9. How easy has it been to involve others and fundraise?

Using JustGiving was a breeze, a great way to do it.

10. Any top tips for other people thinking of fundraising?

You might be surprised how much you can raise from your friends, family and coworkers! Make sure to ask everyone even if it feels a bit strange!

Inspired to take on an epic challenge for climate change? Find out more about The Adventurists here