An aerial image of a sunrise over tropical rainforest in Cambodia.

News and Stories

We see incredible climate action take place in rainforest around the world each and every day. Find stories and news to inspire your own climate action now.

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No empty Eden

Humans have lived in the Amazon rainforest much longer than previously thought. Stonehenge-like structures, 2,000 years old, have been discovered in Acre state in the western Brazilian Amazon. Swansea University’s Dr Neil Loader and Emeritus Prof. Alayne Street-Perrott are…

The Asháninka health promoters

Diarrhoea and malnutrition are the two biggest killers of young children in Cool Earth’s partnerships – this is where the The Asháninka health promoters come in. Health Promoters Mothers have worked with Cool Earth to set up a…

The Rainforest Lover

Valentine’s Day is fast approaching. A day that fills most of us rational beings with dread as soon as February comes round. Saying that we have a Love Story worthy of making even the most stony-hearted among us…

People and the Rainforest: the Relationship

Humans have been relying on the rainforest far longer than thought. Rainforests are incredible places: diverse, chaotic and full of more plants and animals than any other environment on earth.  But for a long time, scientists have argued that…

Rainforest Voices: The Rainforest Shaman

Meet Noemi, the shaman in our Asháninka Project Each month, we’ll be introducing you to the incredible people behind our projects. The people who, without your support, would have lost their homes to the loggers. This February, meet Noemi…

Dilwyn Jenkins Obituary 1957-2014

Dilwyn Jenkins Obituary 1957-2014 It is with huge sadness that we announce the death of Dilwyn Jenkins. He was an extraordinary Project Manager for the Peru programme and the foundation of so much that Cool Earth has achieved. Dilwyn passed…

Amazon Murders

25 years after Chico Mendes was killed, eco-murders are rife in the Amazon. Chico Mendes at a rubber treeThe murder of Chico Mendes in the late 1980’s was a milestone in global awareness about the issue of rainforest…