An aerial image of a sunrise over tropical rainforest in Cambodia.

News and Stories

We see incredible climate action take place in rainforest around the world each and every day. Find stories and news to inspire your own climate action now.

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No empty Eden

Humans have lived in the Amazon rainforest much longer than previously thought. Stonehenge-like structures, 2,000 years old, have been discovered in Acre state in the western Brazilian Amazon. Swansea University’s Dr Neil Loader and Emeritus Prof. Alayne Street-Perrott are…

The Bombay Night frog is a unique lover…

In the forests of Western Ghats in India, scientists have discovered a surprising new mating position in a group of frogs, one that has never been reported before. While mating, most male frogs mount and hug their female…

Biodiversity in Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea has extremely high biodiversity. The total number of different plants and animals in Papua New Guinea is not accurately known but almost certainly exceeds 200,000 species. Scientists estimate that more than half the plants and animals found…

Singing Orchid Discovered in the Amazon Rainforest

It’s well known that there are thousands of undiscovered species in the Amazon, but the latest find is one of the most incredible.   The rare singing orchid, found in rainforest. Scientists in Cool Earth’s Asháninka project in…

Walking on Water: The Jesus Lizard

This is the Jesus Christ Lizard, which can reach a swift speed of 1.5 metres a second on water. Yes, water. It is one of the only animals in the world that can actually run on water, which makes it…

Monkey Orchids

Orchids that look like monkey faces – Dracula simia (that look like faces) are only found in the cloud forests of southeastern Ecuador at 1000-2000 meters – their flowers smell like ripe oranges. However, Orchis simia (which look like dancing…