Aerial view of a dense rainforest canopy in Cambodia.

Thank Goodness for You

Rainforest is only safe when local people earn more from keeping the forest standing than they would from clearing it.

We build livelihoods and improve health to do just that. This ensures every village partnership creates sustainability, not dependency.

Thanks to bright supporters like you, we’ve managed to protect nearly a million acres of at-risk rainforest.

We think it’s important to let you know that every donation in December, first time or regular, big or small, for yourself or as a gift all added up to our best month yet. With your support and a generous match by a private donor, we matched every gift. That’s every tree-mail, Christmas gift fundraiser and end of year celebration, all matched and going directly to where it is needed, the rainforest.

Whether you donated to lock away carbon, support communities develop sustainable incomes, or because you care about the habitat of millions of species, we want to say thanks. When it’s all tallied up, it makes a huge difference.

You’ve doubled your impact, and more rainforest is under wraps than ever before.