Aerial view of morning mist over tropical rainforest.

Thanks a million: making the world less boring

Since 2013 Cool Earth has been lucky enough to be the official charity partner of The Adventurists.

A bunch of people like no other, they lead thousands of punters into the arms of Cool Earth every year. Their mission: fighting to make the world less boring.

Teams from across the world participate in harum-scarum adventures all in the name of Cool Earth.

Three men stood next to a rickshaw, pointing to the sky on the open road

An Adventurist team posing on the open road.

And it’s going pretty well. 14,000 adventures later they’ve raised a whopping: £1,000,000 for Cool Earth.

This all adds up to The Adventurists having a monumental impact. By supporting Cool Earth they are halting deforestation in its tracks, preserving some of the world’s most at-risk rainforest and supporting the Asháninka to grow sustainable livelihoods, out-pricing rainforest destruction.

We’re not sure why they don’t just have a bake sale or something, but this sure is a much better spectator sport.

We’re proud as punch of every individual and team to crawl over the finish line (limbs and integrity vaguely intact) all in the name of rainforest protection, we here at Cool Earth say thank you.

Here here, to making the world less boring!

Keen to get fundraising for Cool Earth, you can find out more here.