What is the Monkey Run?

Giant adventure - children's motorcycle.

What sounds better than spending a week on an unreliable, 2 wheeled, rolling turd getting stuck in some of the most remote parts of the world?

Nothing could possibly go right.

Since its inception, the Monkey Run has taken over the world. From the deserts of Morocco to the jungles of Peru, it’s just you, a ridiculously small bike and a rarely trodden path.

Two men pushing their way through a dessert on two tiny bikes

A quick guide to ride through the sand dunes of the Sahara desert.

The bike.

  1. It’s close to the ground, so you don’t have far to fall.
  2. It’s about the size of a rollerskate, so will fit through tiny gaps in traffic.
  3. It’s incredibly light, so when it inevitably breaks down it’s easy to carry.
  4. It’s mechanically basic so a chimp could fix it.

The run.

  • Morocco: The huge sand dunes of the Sahara sit in wait to make moving forward largely impossible. Then, the Atlas mountains will rise up to make your engine melt and your fingers freeze.
  • Romania: transverse Transylvania dodging bears, wolves and vampires.
  • Peru: Where better to take your child’s bike than across the Andes and through the Amazon rainforest?
  • Mongolia: You could do it in a 1ltr car, but why would you if you can do it on a toy bike?

The Monkey Run, coming to a continent near you.

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