Closeup of green leaves of a medicinal plant

You talked, we listened

We asked you to change the future of rainforest conservation with your opinion, to be bold and to say it how it is - you did not disappoint.

We had over 500 responses from around the world to our Cool Earth supporter survey, giving us insight-a-plenty on us and our rainforest conservation work – from the way we speak to the images we use, to abstract comparisons to sunny days and jazz legends. Yes, you heard right.

You were optimistic, righteously critical and bang-on-the-money. If you took the time to share your thoughts, thank you. If you didn’t, know that we are always open and eager to learn from you. Just reach out.

A man crouches at the foot of a tree in the rainforest, holding a gps device up to the canopy above.
Nicky Roma collecting data in the forests of Wabumari, Papua New Guinea.

We have highlighted some of our most valued learnings and thought starters to share with you.

First up, we’re happy to hear that you know exactly what we do, back people living in rainforest to protect it, and in turn, fight the climate crisis at the root.

You believe in people just as much as we do.

And you love biodiversity. Animals, insects and the myriad of plant and tree species that they support. We’re going to ensure that we keep bringing that kind of content from our wonderfully knowledgeable biodiversity officers direct to your inbox.

You describe us as effective, caring and impactful. Well, we say that makes you effective, caring and impactful too. We exist to channel your generosity and action.

  • Emails. Over 37% of you want more content, more often.
  • To all those that wanted us to represent our mission more clearly and get out there more – we couldn’t agree more. Watch this space for our new brand and new website in the works.
  • To that one person that said we remind them of jazz legend Miles Davis, you are too kind. Cool Earth’s experimental spirit remains at the heart of our organisation.
  • To the person who told us we are like “a sunny day” – the most radical optimism is what we strive to communicate and what all of us need to fight the climate crisis – so thank you. Expect us to ramp this feeling up.

To those that said we need to pass the mic, we couldn’t agree more.

We are working to get more direct, unfiltered stories from the field. We’ll be honest, there are challenges, like multiple language barriers, unreliable wifi and technical complexities but this won’t stop us. We’ve always championed and upheld the most important, often unheard voices but we can always do better.

We have a question for you regarding our images. We want people to tell their own stories from their homes in their own way. Would you rather see raw, unconventional but wholly authentic imagery from mobile phones over beautiful, considered “Nat-Geo” shots? Tell us your thoughts here.

Whilst change is coming, one thing will stay the same.

Our commitment to people living in the rainforest is the smartest, most effective way to protect trees and fight climate breakdown.

Finally, this is a genuine thank you.

Not only for caring so much about rainforest and the people that live there but for giving your time to complete the Cool Earth supporter survey and helping energise us to do what we do, better.

The words 'Thank you for shaping the future of rainforest conservation' are overlaid on an image of rainforest canopy