Time For Action

Donate once. Help twice.

Double my Donation


We all know the climate clock is ticking, but there is still time left for action.

Right now, donations to Cool Earth are doubled.* Throughout December, your one good deed does twice as much.

Your cash, being given directly to the right people, projects and partners will make a brighter climate future possible.

Twice as much cash to back people who protect tropical rainforest and the biggest carbon sinks on earth.

Double your donation now.

*Friends of Cool Earth are matching donations in December. This applies to individual donations only. We wish we could include all donations, but we can’t match company donations, regular giving, retail purchases, and virtual gifts.


Whatever you have to give, we will double it.

Double the cash, double the impact.

Watch the video


Donations are doubled this December. What are you waiting for?

Make incredible things happen in rainforest now.

In the US? Donate here.

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No Time Like the Present

Speaking of presents, our Time for Action virtual gifts have double the impact, and none of the carbon footprint.

Check out our virtual gift bundles now.

Shop our virtual gifts