An aerial image of a sunrise over tropical rainforest in Cambodia.

News and Stories

We see incredible climate action take place in rainforest around the world each and every day. Find stories and news to inspire your own climate action now.

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EUROS 2024: Can football lead to rainforest protection?

As excitement builds for Euros 2024, we’re harnessing the power of football to protect the rainforest by supporting a unique initiative in the Congo Rainforest and Basin. We’re supporting our partners, Centre for Community Regeneration and Development (CCREAD), to…

The true cost of mining on the Amazon Rainforest

Illegal mining is taking a toll in more ways than one on the Amazon rainforest. Hector (whose name we have changed for his safety) together, with his wife and two young children, live in a community nestled on the edge…

A step backward in recognising Indigenous rights

Peru’s Congress passed amendments to their Forestry and Wildlife Law in January 2024, sparking outcry from Indigenous groups across the country. Dubbed the “Anti-Forestry Law,” it’s condemned for its severe threat to the Amazon rainforest and the rights of the…

New Rainforest Lab in Papua New Guinea

It’s easier to take climate action once you know what you’re up against. Did you know there are tiny Labs dotted around some of the world’s most remote rainforests, protecting the forest and communities from threats such as illegal logging…

Rainforest Outlooks for 2024

By all accounts, 2023 was a mixed bag for rainforests. We had some positive outcomes like reduced deforestation in the Amazon, particularly in Brazil and Colombia, and a push for zero deforestation by…

Nature-inspired jewellery preserving the Amazon Rainforest

AMARNO, an Association of Women Artisans of the Northeastern Region, comprises 36 Indigenous Awajún women dedicated to revitalising their ancestral knowledge and traditions through bio-jewellery. Their craft not only supports their families but also contributes to the preservation of the…

New rainforest partnerships in Papua New Guinea!

We’ve just signed new partnerships with both the Gadaisu and Kondu communities in Papua New Guinea! In fact, our Kondu partnership will cover 26,500 hectares of rainforest, making it our largest partnerships to date. These are…

World’s First basic income pilot for Indigenous Peoples

Big news! Your donations are going directly to Indigenous peoples who are protecting the Amazon rainforest. No middlemen, no faff, just cash in the hands of the people with an unbeatable record of keeping rainforests safe. It’s all thanks to…

Could Indigenous knowledge save the Amazon?

Over the past 20 years, the Amazon rainforest has lost nearly 54 million hectares of rainforest due to deforestation. This is caused by illegal logging, mining, monoculture farming and forest fires. Deforestation not only accelerates the climate crisis but also…