The lush tropical rainforest of Wabumari, Papua New Guinea

New rainforest partnerships in Papua New Guinea!

We’ve just signed new partnerships with both the Gadaisu and Kondu communities in Papua New Guinea!

In fact, our Kondu partnership will cover 26,500 hectares of rainforest, making it our largest partnerships to date.

A map that demonstrates the areas in PNG that Cool Earth works in.

These are some of the communities Cool Earth works with in the New Guinea Forest.

With COP28 taking place over the next few weeks, we will yet again no doubt be disappointed with the lack of agreements and deals made with Indigenous and local communities. So, we will continue to do it ourselves.

We know that if you want to protect the rainforest, you need to support the people who live in it. So these partnerships with Gadaisu and Kondu are promises to work closely together in developing projects that will ultimately reduce deforestation in and around that community.

Residents of Gadaisu line up to sign the Forest Agreement, 2023

Residents of Gadaisu line up to sign the agreement.

But how do the projects we support in our partnership communities stop deforestation?

Deforestation will persist when landowners in the rainforest have nothing but the option to sell or lose their land to whoever wants to exploit it for financial gain. Rainforest communities therefore need to feel financially, socially, politically and nutritionally safe in order to ease the pressure to sell land or forest.

Our programmes aim to address these issues,  leading to more resilient rainforest villages. If a community feels strong and resilient, they will have have greater power to resist threats.

You can help Cool Earth support more communities by donating today. What’s more, all donations this December are doubled at no extra cost to you! Take climate action with us by supporting Indigenous peoples and reducing deforestation.