An aerial image of a sunrise over tropical rainforest in Cambodia.

News and Stories

We see incredible climate action take place in rainforest around the world each and every day. Find stories and news to inspire your own climate action now.

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3 ways rainforest communities use cash

We’re often asked how people in the rainforest will spend the cash they donate. The truth is, we don’t always know because no two people are alike. And, no two problems are the same. What we do know is cash…

Basic Income: Early results show significant impact

Deep in the heart of the Amazon, our groundbreaking basic income pilot is offering a glimmer of hope in the fight against climate change. It suggests the best possible way to save rainforest is to simply give £2 a…

Can cash for people living in rainforests halt climate change?

Just six months ago, we launched the world’s first basic income pilot for people who live in the rainforest. Since then, adults in three Amazon communities have been receiving regular cash transfers to address their most urgent needs as quickly…

You Asked, We Answered: Basic Income Pilot

In case you missed it, we launched the world’s first basic income pilot for people living in the rainforest last week.  We received an incredible response to this news. So much so that we wanted to address…

World’s First basic income pilot for Indigenous Peoples

Big news! Your donations are going directly to Indigenous peoples who are protecting the Amazon rainforest. No middlemen, no faff, just cash in the hands of the people with an unbeatable record of keeping rainforests safe. It’s all thanks to…

ONAMIAP and Cool Earth sign agreement

ONAMIAP and Cool Earth sign Inter-institutional Cooperation Agreement On Monday, April 24, La Organización Nacional de Mujeres Indígenas Andinas y Amazónicas del Perú (The National Organization of Andean and Amazonian Indigenous Women of Peru) (ONAMIAP) and Cool Earth signed an…

Welcoming Wadauda

Our new partnership in Papua New Guinea Welcome to Wadauda, Cool Earth’s newest partnership in Papua New Guinea! Located at the southeast end of Papua New Guinea (PNG), surrounded by beautiful lowland tropical forest,…

A chocolate factory in the rainforest

When people living in the rainforest have cash, they have a choice. And for the Awajún, this enabled them to build a chocolate factory in the middle of the rainforest. For anyone in the chocolate making biz, transforming raw…