The sun rises over a rainforest village surrounded by trees.

A fundraising masterclass from Team Macho Picchu

A Mototaxi Junket throwback.

Introducing Team Macho Picchu.

These intrepid adventurers tackled and conquered the might Mototaxi Junket back and managed to raise a staggering amount for Cool Earth in the process. What they lack in the follicle department they more than make up for in fundraising nous. Here they are with some brilliant advice on how you can reach your fundraising target with ease and have a barrel full of laughs in the process.

Hi guys,

Video was our tool of choice for a number of reasons. One, it really connects people to what is going on and puts them in the picture. Two, we are really just too lazy to write anything.

The gear.

We bought all the fancy-schmancy GoPro video kit and had editing software on our iPad. Ready for the full-blown production to begin. In the end, we used that crap once or twice and ended up going for what was the easiest and, in the end, the most authentic representation of what was going on. Just recording straight to camera with an iPhone. Remember, you are going to be tired at the end of most days, so easiest is best. This is what we used the most;

  • iPhone
  • SIM card with generous data plan for the local country you are in (for uploads)
  • iPhone headset with mic or get a Rode SmartLav mic:
  • Selfie stick to hold you camera at length:
  • Joby pocket iPhone tripod thingy:
  • If you want you can get a team logo intro video clip on for a fiver.

Before you leave.

Hit up everyone you know and let them know what you are doing. Hit up all the businesses you work with and ask for sponsorship and donations. We got $1000 in sponsorship which really helped with fuel and repairs during the trip. Broadcast out on social media that you will be doing the race.

Prep videos.

Do a series of four videos to publish before you leave on the race to build awareness. We shot them all at once and then just released once a week for four weeks.

  • Week 1 – Who we are
    Introduce yourself and tell people what you are going to be doing. Here is our example. I am sure you won’t be as devastatingly handsome as us but just do your best.
  • Week 2 – More about the race
  • Week 3 – Why you are doing it
  • Week 4 – How people can get involved

Just before you leave, ramp it up with another “Why it is important video” and thank people by name. People love to see their name

When you get in-country.

Do a couple of pre-start videos to let followers know it is about to kick off and it’s time to get involved.

Once the race starts.

Start thanking donors by name on your Facebook page. People love to see their name and it may encourage others to donate as well. Do daily debrief updates from the road to take people on the journey and get them involved in all the hardships and funny stuff that happens along the way. This really proved to be the secret sauce to getting people addicted to what was going on. By the end of the race they were really invested in seeing it through to the end.

The last few days, really ramp up the pleading for funds with some concrete goals you are trying to reach. Be sure to thank everyone by name again on your Facebook page. I think having a solid number you are shooting for and letting everyone know how close you are really helps a great deal in the last few days.

After the race post a thank you/debrief video telling people about the impact of their donations. This will catch a few more people who have been meaning to donate but haven’t gotten around to it. Put it into concrete examples of what that money is going to accomplish.

We hope that helps you guys hit your fundraising target and good luck on your upcoming event!