Two brilliant red macaws perch in a cluster of branches, one is using their beak to hold on to a stick while it's claws grip tightly to the branch.

A Dose of Climate Optimism

A different kind of Friday Feeling. This is your weekly dose of  Climate Optimism from around the world.


Klimë, klima, klimatu, ilmasto, éghajlat, podnebje… Young activists making climate information more accessible  [1]These young climate activists are breaking through the language barrier around the world (World Economic Forum, 2022)

The Climate Cardinals are a group of 8,000 strong volunteers on a mission to make climate information more accessible around the world. Through apps and social media channels they translate information about ways to take climate action in 100 different languages.

Mushrooms VS. deforestation [2]Replacing 20 Percent of beef with mushroom meat can cut deforestation in half by 2050 (VegNews, 2022)

Researchers at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research have found that replacing just 20% of traditionally produced beef with fungi-based meat p would result in a 50% deforestation by 2050. That means shroom burgers could protect rainforest, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve global food security.

Meat-free burger, two green veggie patties topped with tomatoes and greens

Why fly when you can electri-fly [3]British electric plane lights up the skies on its maiden flight (The Times, 2022)

Making air travel more sustainable means decarbonising it and The Light Aircraft company are doing just that. There’s a long way to go of course but their battery powered plane, the Sherwood eKub aircraft, has successfully completed two emission-free test flights.

Planning for the future of forests [4]The State of the World’s Forests (SOFO) 2022 (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2022)

The Food and Agriculture Organisation has published The State of World’s Forests report this week. It focuses on how best to address the environmental crisis by building resilient local economies within forests. And guess what? Backing indigenous and local communities that live in rainforest with cash is key. Want to understand more about the state of the world’s forest? Check out Cool Earth’s Forest Impacts Analyst Matt Proctor’s summary of the Global Forest Watch’s 2022 Global Forest Review here.

looking down on the top of the green rainforest canopy

Pinterest bans fake climate information [5]Combating climate misinformation on Pinterest (Pinterest, 2022)

Pinners will no longer be exposed to false, misleading or climate denying content with Pinterest being the first to publish clearly defined guidelines that will be enforced platform wide. No more fake news.

And that’s your dose of Climate Optimism from around the world this week.