A frog with a brilliant blue underbelly and legs with sticking red back and head , sits on a green leaf

A Dose of Climate Optimism

Want some climate optimism news? You’re in the right place. Get it, share it, create more of it.

Philanthropists are funding crucial climate journalism [1]Independent (2022)

More than two dozen journalists from around the world will be employed to report on climate news thanks to philanthropic grants at The Associated Press.

Action on the airwaves [2]BBC (2022)

The Freedom Kids Podcast, exorcises climate anxiety. Created by kids aged 5-13 they’ve been discussing the way climate crisis makes them feel – from concerns about burning fossil fuels or the effects of people throwing plastic in the sea.

Cow cr*p creates class glass [3]Positive News (2022)

With the help of a herd of furnace fueling cows, master glass-maker Ian Hankey is transforming the way we reuse waste. Gleaning insight from 17th-century texts together with cutting-edge technology, Ian’s glass recycling process is becoming more and more efficient – the only waste product the process leaves is water.

Ride the electric ‘magic’ school bus [4]World Resourses Insititue (2021)

Electric school buses are moving forward and reducing emissions. 1,800 buses have been committed by 354 school districts or fleet operators in 36 American states – that’s a 50% increase in the previous six months.

Building bridges… for solths [5]Mongabay (2022)

The Sloth Conservation Foundation in Costa Rica is building rope bridges to allow Sloths to move freely over deforested areas. This measure to aid and protect biodiversity is happening in tandem with reforestation – we feel this is a testament to climate organisations’ need to think and act on multiple fronts.

a sloth hangs from a branch surrounded by leafy green rainforest

If you would like to read more climate optimism news check out our reference list below.

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