Toucan with a big orange beak

Protecting Biodiversity

It's not just people that keep rainforest healthy.

Rainforest is home to 50% of the world’s biodiversity.

From birds of paradise and tiny frogs to macaque monkeys. But beyond the beauty and wonder, we must acknowledge that protecting biodiversity is essential to the health of our planet, and it doesn’t stop at wildlife.

Biodiversity is just as crucial to life on Earth as the sun, water and the air we breathe. Each tree, plant, insect, bird, mammal, reptile, insect, and fungi exist as part of a delicate ecosystem. All are highly dependent on each other and all are integral to the health of rainforest, the people that live there, and its ability to cool our climate.

The climate is hotting up. As a result, the systems that regulate the planet are in flux. Protecting biodiversity is often forgotten about in climate action, in protest, legislation and in important global talks, but not by us, and not by people living in rainforest either.

Two scarlet macaws flying over forest

Another crisis, another opportunity to fight.

It’s true, we are in a biodiversity crisis. A crisis interlinked with climate change.

Both can be fought back against with direct action in the partnerships where we work.

Tropical deforestation damages biodiversity, meaning ecosystems can’t survive and crucially, can’t capture carbon.

Trees, plants, mammals, birds, reptiles, fish and insects are all monitored through our Forest Impact team and addressed through our solutions to fight deforestation.


Biodiversity is an ally against the climate crisis. It's a marker of resilience in rainforest and its health and ability to capture carbon. Healthy biodiversity is good news for the people that live in rainforest, who rely on it for livelihoods, food, medicine.


Biodiversity officers work with local people to identify ways in which species can be monitored, encouraged and protected. From garden rotations, advising on land use plans, and animal tracking and monitoring.

Our team