A low angle of rainforest trees with sun bursting through the canopy.

Cool Earth’s SDG Fund

“The SDGs are a framework to integrate people and planet. It’s the first time we have that. The rainforests are fundamental to the development agenda we must follow which is why I put my bets on Cool Earth’s SDG Fund.”
Professor Johan Rockström

Working alongside local communities to keep endangered rainforest protected is one of the smartest actions anyone can take to address climate change.

Tiles highlighting the SDG's Cool Earth meet

Cool Earth is working with businesses to invest in the practical realisation of high-level ambitious SDGs at a local scale across its rainforest community partnerships. It has developed a dedicated fund for businesses that will support emission reductions achieved by rainforest protection as well as addressing eleven other SDGs.

This fund will only be invested in rainforest partnerships and is open to donations from £20,000 upwards with further restrictions relating to specific programme region and work package (activity) being placed on donations over £100,000.

Why the SDGs?

The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) offer a framework towards transformational changes in business strategy, culture and operations. The 17 goals, associated targets and indicators for success, provide a roadmap to help organisations navigate the major environmental, social and economic challenges our world faces.

By aligning Cool Earth’s activities to the SDG targets we can ensure our programmes take a holistic approach to transforming livelihoods and achieving rainforest protection. We can monitor progress against the SDG targets and report measurable changes, translating high-level objectives to on the ground realities.

How it works

Cool Earth will provide you with an SDG report that will demonstrate how your funding aligns with the specific SDG targets through the support of Cool Earth’s programme activities. By investing in the SDG fund your business will be investing in a model for measurable outcomes, demonstrating your commitment to a wide range of sustainability challenges.

Benefits will include:

1. The ability to support specific sustainable development, including climate mitigation.
2. Increase engagement with sustainability in your offices, with your sales teams, staff and client base.
3. Strongly position yourself ahead of the competition – most organisations are only now just beginning to have conversations around the SDG agenda.
4. Add value to any existing environmental production or focus your business might have, e.g. recycling programme, procurement or sustainable supply chain.
5. Positive PR, extending beyond industry, environmental, business press, financial press.