panoramic view of rainforest rolling over a hill on the edge of an ocean

Sewing keeps trees standing

A stitch in time.

“In my village, there used to be a sewing group but the lady who ran it had to move away. When I knew I could get funding from Cool Earth I thought it would be a perfect way for the women in my village to earn some money. I helped set up the Stalie Women’s Business group.

“We used to make clothes and sell them in nearby villages. With sewing machines that were kindly donated by Brother, we’ll be able to start again. This time, we will also start a savings and loans group so that we can start saving the money from the clothes, and my family can take a loan if there is an emergency like someone needing hospital treatment.”

– Rita Kidy, a community member in Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea

close up on a sewing machine being used by a person

Sharing the idea.

Sewing and making clothes and textiles is a skill many women in Cool Earth’s partner villages already have. With investments in business training and savings groups, we can turn their smart ideas into income-generating micro businesses.

Good idea