Repeating hand drawn skateboards, bicycles, trainers, swimsuits and sunglasses.

The power of the cash you raise

Race For Rainforest

There’s less than a month to go until the Race for Rainforest kicks off. Let’s smash our epic Amazon river target of 6,400km and raise cash for people-first climate action.


Race for Rainforest is the coolest fundraiser ever; the cash you’ll raise will help cool the Earth. How? It will back people to protect rainforest, funding a range of radical and effective programmes like wildfire prevention, Rainforest Labs across three rainforest biomes and help protect 50% of the world’s biodiversity found in rainforests. We told you it was cool.


The cash you raise could be spent on:

🚽 Flood proof toilets that reduce water contamination

🚰 Sanitation stations that help prevent illness

📚 Life skills programmes which help to build sustainable businesses

🐸 Paraecology programmes for budding ecologists

💡Solar energy farms that provide electricity

A CCREAD staff member balancing a solar panel on their head, walking down a road with misty hills and the Congo Rainforest in the background.

A CCREAD staff member balancing a solar panel on their head, walking down a road with misty hills and the Congo Rainforest in the background.

🧯Fire prevention partnerships with local NGOs

🥥 A coconut processing facility for income generation

A pile of halved coconuts.

The list could go on and on, but just know that your cash is going where it counts – in the hands of local people and indigenous communities, protecting tropical rainforest around the world.

Your cash gives people living in rainforest a choice to protect it. It creates resilience, it creates stability and security and it creates livelihoods. All this leads to people fully equipped to nurture their forest and keep it standing.

You have choices too, and not just whether you want to run, swim, walk or cycle in the Race for Rainforest.

You have a choice of just how hard you want to hustle cash from your nearest and dearest.

From your mum’s pocket to the whole team at work. Show them how much you care and we’ll sure generosity will flow. Tell them about just how important rainforest is and how eager you are to strut your stuff to help protect it. Better still, get them to race too.

A dashed line that ends with a cross, like on a treasure map, flashes between yellow, blue, and green.

Good luck racers, stack that cash and keep it cool.

Father and son fun across a grassy field with trees in the back ground. They are both wearing shorts and teeshirts and have bright red superhero capes tied around their necks, the son also sports a yellow superhero mask.

And if you’re yet to sign up, what are you waiting for? Sign up today and join us in September.