Time for Action: Double your Donation

Your donations, support, and shares mean the world to us every day of the year, but this month you can double your donation.

But this month, you can double the difference you make.

Whilst the climate clock ticks, we’re taking action. Today on 1 December we launched our Time For Action campaign, and thanks to a handful of Cool Earth’s friends, we’ll be doubling your donations throughout December.

By donating to our new campaign you can help Cool Earth continue to back, support and work with rainforest communities, indigenous leaders and local organisations to protect rainforest and keep carbon stored- but with double the money behind us.

The history of humanity is full of incredible stories of innovation and achievement in the face of extraordinary odds. The past few years alone have shown us how much we’re capable of when the pressure is on.

Triumphs of medical science, global collaboration and behaviour change on a scale unlike the world has ever seen. If we can bottle that same energy, and channel it towards taking smart climate action, then we can, and will, avoid a climate breakdown.

Time For Action | Cool Earth

Aerial rainforest image with purple overlay on the right with a block purple on the right. White text in the centre reading ‘back. donate. protect’.

It’s your support that makes that work happen.

It’s your cash, being doubled, and given directly to the right people, projects and partners, that can protect rainforest and make a brighter climate future possible.

Throughout December, we’ll keep you updated with blogs and stories direct from the rainforest and a range of ways to support our Time To Act campaign.

Donate this month, and we’ll double whatever you give.

Double your donation

if you want to see your money go further, work harder and reach the right place, then take action with us today.
