An aerial shot of the green rainforest canopy

A Dose of Climate Optimism

It’s that time of the week again. Kick back and soak up your dose of Climate Optimism.


Open pit mining to be halted in Honduras [1]Mongabay (2022)

The government of Honduras is taking climate action to protect rainforest and biodiversity as well as stop environmental hazards by ending permits for open-pit mining projects. Not only this, a “review, suspension and cancellation” of all environmental licenses, permits and concessions has begun.

Pickling trees to keep carbon locked in [2]Bloomberg (2022)

The discovery of Shackleton’s sunken ship, Endurance, showed the capabilities of carbon capture and storage happens even when wood is preserved in salty water without light or oxygen. A start-up, InterEarth, has been able to replicate the process on degraded land in Western Australia which could maximize carbon storage in ‘salty land’ around the world. Watch this space.

Less stuff and more joy [3]Positive News (2022)

Research carried out by academics at Leeds University [4]The Jump (2022) found that collective climate action can make a big difference. Making lifestyle changes such as reducing meat consumption, repairing electronics that still have life in them, and reducing our car use could help contribute to the emissions savings needed by 2030. Bolder leadership and responsibilities from governments and organisations are still needed!

Old buildings in Cleveland get a new lease of life [5]Good Good Good (2022)

Two high-profile Cleveland building projects are being built back sustainably. A hospital build in Cleveland is going beyond your average demolition by reusing or recycling materials from the older building currently on site. As well as that, a non-profit, MAGNET, is fashioning its new headquarters out of an old school building. Through reclamation they are keeping 19 tons of material out of a landfill.

Creative kids are leading the way [6]Rugby Observer (2022)

A climate change competition, Young Green Shoots, saw over 200 entries from pupils aged four to 15 showing their dedication and interest in climate change. These creative, climate conscious kids’ entries ranged from essays, poetry, photographs, paintings and even a sculpture.

Aerial view of the rainforest, the sun shines over rising mist.

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