The cupped hands of a child hold a small sapling.

Payroll Giving

Giving regularly to Cool Earth just got a whole lot easier.

So, what exactly is Payroll Giving?

Put simply; Payroll Giving is a scheme that allows employees to donate to charity from their pay tax-free

Employees can opt to donate to Cool Earth straight from their salary and contributions are deducted from gross pay before tax is calculated by the employer’s payroll department. 

Donating to Cool Earth directly through your salary is the most tax-efficient way to fight the climate crisis.

Houses on ocean front, with tall palm trees behind and rainforest behind them in Papua New Guinea

Payroll Giving in numbers

Payroll Giving donations are taken from an employee's pay after National Insurance but before tax. So how much does it cost out of take-home pay?


would actually cost an employee

£4 to a standard rate taxpayer (20%) and £3 to a higher rate taxpayer (40%)


would actually cost an employee

£8 to a standard rate taxpayer (20%) and £6 to a higher rate taxpayer (40%)


would actually cost an employee

£12 to a standard rate taxpayer (20%) and £9 to a higher rate taxpayer (40%)

Good for Rainforest

Cool Earth depends on the regular income that Payroll Giving provides, it allows us to plan our work including research, building projects and giving practical help to those tackling some of the world’s most important problems, like climate breakdown.

Good for people

Easy and convenient – donations are made straight from employees’ pay. No need for bank account details

Tax-effective – it costs less to give more

Supports the causes they care about

Flexible – control over how much they want to donate and to which causes

The only way for higher rate tax-payers to pass their full tax relief to charity

Good for business

To date, more than £2 billion has been donated through Payroll Giving by over one million employees. But, it’s not all about us, there are lots of benefits to offering a Payroll Giving scheme for your employees.

  1. It shows your employees that you are committed and you care.
  2. It improves staff morale and motivation. Research shows that donating to charity or simply being kind helps improve mental health and general wellbeing.
  3. It supports good causes, like Cool Earth.
  4. It’s simple to set up and run. Contact us for more info.
  5. No fees. There are no set-up costs for employers. Payroll Giving agencies can charge a processing or transaction fee, however, some agencies don’t charge. You may choose to cover this fee for your employees otherwise the agency will deduct it from donations. You can find a list of all approved agencies on the GOV.UK website.
  6. It boosts your CSR profile and public image.

Donate Now

Prefer to make a direct donation?
You can take climate action with Cool Earth right now.
