An aerial image of a sunrise over tropical rainforest in Cambodia.

News and Stories

We see incredible climate action take place in rainforest around the world each and every day. Find stories and news to inspire your own climate action now.

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Reasons to look after rainforests

‘Why should we look after rainforests? How does it effect me when I don’t live there?’ We’re sure you’ve thought about these questions before. They’re fair questions to think about! So, let’s have a quick look at a few key…

Frogs, conservation and the importance of local knowledge

On World Frog Day, we reflect on the exceptional biodiversity in Papua New Guinea and the conservation efforts of our partners. Papua New Guinea (PNG) is known for its incredible wildlife, accounting for 5% of the world’s biodiversity on just…

Papua New Guinean biologists revolutionising knowledge creation

The Binatang Research Centre – a sanctuary for local knowledge and global discoveries You will have heard of Oxford, Cambridge and Harvard but have you heard of the Binatang Research Centre in Papua New Guinea? Founded in 1997 and located…

Incredible Plant Biodiversity in New Guinea

New Guinea is a biodiversity hotspot especially when it comes to plants. New Guinea, the second largest island on Earth is home to a huge range of habitats including; 🌳 Lowland and mountainous forests 💧 Vast river systems and…

World’s Smallest Frog Living in Papua New Guinea Rainforest

Small find, big news. At around 7mm in length, this tiny forest-dwelling frog no bigger than a housefly has been confirmed to be living in the rainforests of Wabumari, Milne Bay by Dr Chris Dahl, working with consultant Kenneth Pomoh…

World Bee Day 2021

Today is Bee Day. We could have rattled off countless, eye-roll worthy puns, jokes and wordplay, but where would that get us? You wouldn’t know about Cool Earth beekeeping projects happening globally right now or the hives that get people…

Crocodile conservation in the Cardamom Mountains

Two species living in balance with one another, for mutual benefit and survival. Symbiotic relationships have fascinated environmentalists for years. If one is threatened, the other feels it rapidly. As communities are pressured into losing their land to intensive…