An aerial image of a sunrise over tropical rainforest in Cambodia.

News and Stories

We see incredible climate action take place in rainforest around the world each and every day. Find stories and news to inspire your own climate action now.

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Big win for rainforest protection in Papua New Guinea

A protected Areas Act, 14 years in the making, has finally been approved by the Government in Papua New Guinea. The bill paves the way for Indigenous peoples and rainforest communities to work with the Papua New Guinea government to…

Could Indigenous knowledge save the Amazon?

Over the past 20 years, the Amazon rainforest has lost nearly 54 million hectares of rainforest due to deforestation. This is caused by illegal logging, mining, monoculture farming and forest fires. Deforestation not only accelerates the climate crisis but also…

Native crops, sustainable crops

Have you ever heard of the pijuayo? In Amazonas, Peru, this plant is about to become more abundant than ever to help 134 families in Awajún communities improve their nutrition and agricultural practices. The pijuayo is a native…

Three reasons why the climate crisis is an inequity crisis

The climate crisis not only affects the environment, it also has profound consequences for human rights. As the impacts of the climate crisis intensify, the existing inequalities in accessing basic human rights for people around the world become…

Frogs, conservation and the importance of local knowledge

On World Frog Day, we reflect on the exceptional biodiversity in Papua New Guinea and the conservation efforts of our partners. Papua New Guinea (PNG) is known for its incredible wildlife, accounting for 5% of the world’s biodiversity on just…

People vs. the climate crisis in Papua New Guinea

What are people on the ground doing to address environmental issues in Papua New Guinea? Papua New Guinea (PNG) is one of the most ecologically diverse countries on the planet, with an estimated 7% of the world’s…

Youth activism at COP15 – Interview with Marco Monteros

With COP 15 well underway and we wanted to hear some voices from the people attending. We reached out to Marco from Ecuador who is in Montreal with a delegation of youth activists. And what better way to focus on…