Aerial view of the Amazon, showing both pristine green rainforest and vast square patches of fire and deforestation

Finding optimism in the latest IPCC Report

(it wasn’t easy).

The recent IPCC report (The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) contained very few glimmers of hope and as you might expect, was stark reading indeed.

Some points do shine, and we’re here to tell you about them.

Here are three takeaways that we can use to inspire the radical, climate optimism needed to create environmental change.

The importance of indigenous peoples as changemakers is loud and clear.

“Cooperation and inclusive decision making, with indigenous peoples and local communities as well as recognition of inherent rights of indigenous peoples is integral to successful forest adaptation in many areas.”

“Prospects for climate-resilient development are increased by inclusive processes involving local knowledge and indigenous knowledge…..By bringing together scientific and technological know-how, as well as indigenous and local knowledge, solutions will be more effective.”

We know you know this. It’s likely one of the reasons you support us. In the latest IPCC report, indigenous peoples’ and local communities’ importance is interwoven throughout action points. Listening to and amplifying their voices is essential in reducing global temperatures.

Houses on ocean front, with tall palm trees behind and rainforest behind them in Papua New Guinea

Cash transfers: radical, feasible, effective.

“Building capacity and removing some barriers to accessing finance is fundamental to accelerate adaptation, especially for vulnerable groups.”

We don’t shy away from talking about cash. Why would we? Cash is the primary tool we use to fight the climate crisis. We’ve put cash directly in the hands of people since 2008. Cash in the hands of our partners in The Amazon, New Guinea and Congo rainforest is used to alleviate pressure by creating financial resilience, building sustainable businesses, preventing climate-induced damage like wildfires or simply being used to buy food and medicine. All this stops rainforest from becoming an emergency lifeline.

We believe cash in the right hands protects rainforest. It creates autonomy and freedom, building on trust and a belief in people. Reading the words “cash transfers” in the latest IPCC report feels like a small but powerful step in the right direction. Now we must make sure that the cash promised by global governments at COP26 is put into the hands of the people we back around the world.

195 governments in consensus (that’s every government in the world).

“Inclusive governance that prioritises equity and justice in adaptation planning and implementation leads to more effective sustainable adaptation outcomes.”

We employ skepticism but we always hold space for optimism too. Global buy-in on this report and the climate crisis, as difficult as it is, is a positive step that deserves attention.

When it comes to decision-making for climate adaptation, people living in rainforest must call the shots. And without money and support to back this up, our collective futures are at stake.

Let’s hold governments accountable and turn talk into action.

  • Write to your MP.
  • Donate to charities just like us.
  • Talk to your friends and family about climate action.
  • Believe in yourself and in people living in rainforest to cool the Earth.