A close up of a tree branch with light hitting the leaves.

The power of sharing knowledge

Knowledge is even more powerful when it’s shared. This simple fact underpins Cool Earth’s rainforest partnerships. Whether it’s new, sustainable methods of fish farming, clever water storage, or the smartest school toilets you’ve ever seen, neighbours sharing bright ideas saves rainforest.


This month, we’re taking skills sharing to a new level. One of the big concerns for families in our Awajún and Asháninka partnerships in Peru is growing food without damaging the forest. Rainforest soil is surprisingly poor and vegetable gardens can be quickly exhausted of the key plant nutrients. But there is a miracle tree called Inga that can improve crop yields sustainably. Our partners wanted to learn more about this revolutionary approach to food gardens. Thanks to our supporters, we were able to take some of the growers on a very special trip to visit the Inga Foundation in Honduras.

It was a week of firsts. The first time they had been on a plane, and for most of them the first time in another country. It was the first time that the Awajún and Asháninka communities had met each other – a landmark moment in Cool Earth’s history. But it certainly wasn’t the first time we saw local people working together to secure the future of their community.

We know that our village partners know far more about how to protect their forest than we ever will. That’s why we put the control back in their hands. It’s why the model that you’re backing is the most effective way to save rainforest.