An aerial image of a sunrise over tropical rainforest in Cambodia.

News and Stories

We see incredible climate action take place in rainforest around the world each and every day. Find stories and news to inspire your own climate action now.

Stories shape the future.

Incredible Plant Biodiversity in New Guinea

New Guinea is a biodiversity hotspot especially when it comes to plants. New Guinea, the second largest island on Earth is home to a huge range of habitats including; 🌳 Lowland and mountainous forests 💧 Vast river systems and…

Feast on our top 10 blogs buffet

Our top 10 popular blogs since we put our new website live.   We all wish we could spend more time reading right? Knowledge is power. To undo the climate crisis information is one of the many tools we need…

World’s Smallest Frog Living in Papua New Guinea Rainforest

Small find, big news. At around 7mm in length, this tiny forest-dwelling frog no bigger than a housefly has been confirmed to be living in the rainforests of Wabumari, Milne Bay by Dr Chris Dahl, working with consultant Kenneth Pomoh…

World Bee Day 2021

Today is Bee Day. We could have rattled off countless, eye-roll worthy puns, jokes and wordplay, but where would that get us? You wouldn’t know about Cool Earth beekeeping projects happening globally right now or the hives that get people…

Cool Earth 2018 | What on Earth happened this year?

In between putting on yet another jumper and accidentally writing the year wrong again, the Cool Earth team has been reminiscing on 2018; our most effective year yet.  January The Wabumari Association awards Silo Silo primary school K3200 (the…

Without biodiversity, there’s no future for humanity.

Sit in a shady spot in the Asháninka partnership, and it’s not as peaceful as you’d imagine. The canopy brims with a cacophony of whistles, clicks and songs. This orchestra is thanks to thousands of birds, bugs and frogs…