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An aerial image of a sunrise over tropical rainforest in Cambodia.

News and Stories

We see incredible climate action take place in rainforest around the world each and every day. Find stories and news to inspire your own climate action now.

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A simple solution to sickness

I trained as a midwife and I especially enjoy learning about how to care for sick children. Bronchitis, diarrhoea and anaemia are the biggest health problems in Camantavishi, and children are especially affected. I was sad to see how many…

Tippy Taps

A ‘tippy tap’ is an ingenious way to wash your hands that’s perfect for use in remote rainforest areas. You only need a few basic materials and it uses minimal water. As it’s operated by a foot lever, there’s less…

How to make a Tippy Tap

Want to make your own tippy tap? All you need is three sticks, some string, a water container and a hot nail. That’s about it. With some simple materials that can easily be found even in remote places, families can create…

Poisoned Amazon: Nothing Safe to Drink

The Amazon has more water than any other river in the world. Along its 4,049 mile length, 500 tributaries feed into it. Every day it produces enough water to meet the needs of New York City for nine years. And…