An aerial image of a sunrise over tropical rainforest in Cambodia.

News and Stories

We see incredible climate action take place in rainforest around the world each and every day. Find stories and news to inspire your own climate action now.

Stories shape the future.

Cracking the coconut biz in Wabumari

A new chapter for colonial-era plantations brings opportunities for the people that depend on and care for rainforest.   Coconut? More like wondernut. Coconut palms are found all around the coast in Wabumari, Papua New Guinea (PNG). Known locally…

The Next Generation of Ecologists Lives in Rainforest

Trans-generational unity in climate action is something we can get behind. Read on to discover stories of action direct from the world’s most important, Earth cooling, carbon-sink rainforests. Action that you, our supporters, fund with cash. Here, we focus on the bright side of rainforest conservation.

World’s Smallest Frog Living in Papua New Guinea Rainforest

Small find, big news. At around 7mm in length, this tiny forest-dwelling frog no bigger than a housefly has been confirmed to be living in the rainforests of Wabumari, Milne Bay by Dr Chris Dahl, working with consultant Kenneth Pomoh…

Time for Nature

A report by Clifford Peter Yaee, Papua New Guinea Forest Project Coordinator.