An aerial image of a sunrise over tropical rainforest in Cambodia.

News and Stories

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More storms weather in Papua New Guinea

And while aftershocks continue to rock the highlands, storms rock the lowlands. Gadaisu village was on the edge of a tropical storm over the weekend and has the scars to prove it. Home’s have suffered the brunt of…

Palm Oil The Facts

When rainforest is cleared in Papua New Guinea, all too often it is replaced by palm plantations. To the human eye, the difference could not be more stark. To local wildlife, the difference is devastating. Having previously only been found…

King Tides in Papua New Guinea

  Last week Cool Earth’s partners in Papua New Guinea suffered one of the most extreme king tides on record. Surging waters flooded the coastal communities, with Gadaisu village being the worst affected. These annual super-high tides are capable…

Sewing keeps trees standing

A stitch in time. “In my village, there used to be a sewing group but the lady who ran it had to move away. When I knew I could get funding from Cool Earth I thought it would be a…

Orangerie Bay: One year on

When Gadaisu village in Papua New Guinea contacted Cool Earth, they were desperate to save their forest. Palm Oil companies were on their doorstep. They faced an agonising decision: Sell their land, or continue to live in extreme…

The Papuan gardeners using their onions

Onion and vanilla are two flavours you’d never want to find together. But in Papua New Guinea they are natural bedfellows. Vanilla plants grow like vines and are best when they’re supported by “host” trees. These trees serve…

El Niño and the rainforest

The monster El Niño in the Pacific is inflicting a severe drought on Papua New Guinea and elsewhere in the Pacific and beyond. It’s affecting about 2.5 million people in Papua New Guinea alone. Forecasters worry that the weather could…

Biodiversity in Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea has extremely high biodiversity. The total number of different plants and animals in Papua New Guinea is not accurately known but almost certainly exceeds 200,000 species. Scientists estimate that more than half the plants and animals found…

The illegal land grab in Papua New Guinea

5.2 million hectares of land in Papua New Guinea has been handed over to loggers. In 1996 the government developed a scheme granting Special Agricultural Business Leases. It allowed land owned by communities to be leased, with their consent, to people…