An aerial image of a sunrise over tropical rainforest in Cambodia.

News and Stories

We see incredible climate action take place in rainforest around the world each and every day. Find stories and news to inspire your own climate action now.

Stories shape the future.

World Environment Day: Trees are living air-purifiers.

Nine out of ten people worldwide breathe polluted air. This causes millions of illnesses and deaths and needs action to be reduced. Trees act as air-cleaning machines, improving air quality in many ways.

Cool Earth 2018 | What on Earth happened this year?

In between putting on yet another jumper and accidentally writing the year wrong again, the Cool Earth team has been reminiscing on 2018; our most effective year yet.  January The Wabumari Association awards Silo Silo primary school K3200 (the…

What’s rainforest without the rain?

Everyone knows rainforests are the lungs of the Earth. But they are also the heart of the world’s water system. And rainforests without rain are a threat to our planet’s future. Rainforests drive the flow of water as rain at…

Marin and Felix, Inga Pioneers

Rainforests don’t really have soil. They have compost heaps.   That’s because every organism works at such a metabolic rate that if a plant isn’t growing, it is being broken down by fungi to feed another plant. If you dig…

Spring in the Rainforest

Spring in the rainforest is a hive of activity. In Gadaisu village in Papua New Guinea, each family has their own food garden. They’re set away from the village, on land that the village has used for generations. A couple…

A Celebration of Rainforest

Forests cover a third of Earth’s land surface. They are integral to every moment of our daily lives, providing water and oxygen for all of us, and home and livelihood for millions. It is vital to protect this essential natural…

Fire in the rainforest

Rainforest fire is one of many effects of the climate crisis. Climate change seems to have hit the world with its full force this past year, contributing to more intense extreme weather. Back-to-back hurricanes devastated the Caribbean islands, monsoon…

The Power of Plants: Rainforest Medicine

The World Health Organisation estimates that 3.5 billion people rely on plants for health and medicine around the world. This includes the people from Cool Earth’s community partnerships. Most of the people we partner with are located in remote…