The Awajún community fish farming.

Exciting ways to protect the Amazon Rainforest through tasty food

Attention food enthusiasts and rainforest conservationists! A wonderful initiative is underway to protect the Amazon rainforest by combining tasty food and rainforest preservation.

Cool Earth supports fish farming programmes that help to strengthen communities by creating both financial and food security. This ensures that people living in the rainforest are more resilient and better able to resist threats to themselves and their land. 

Recently, participants of our fish farming programme have ventured into a new endeavour: crafting fish burgers. All made from native fish and entirely produced by Awajún families in the Urakuza and Huaracayo.

Preparation of Fish Burgers in the awajún community of Urakuza

Preparation of Fish Burgers in the awajún community of Urakuza

“We organised a training session this year and had an incredible full-day session on how we could innovate our fish products. Following this, we started participating in local fairs. The response was beyond our expectations. During our debut, we sold out our first batch in less than half an hour.” says Felix, Cool Earth’s technician in the region and the driving force behind this initiative.

Participation of the fish farming team in a local fair

Participation of the fish farming team in a local fair

By promoting fish consumption (a rich protein source), this initiative also helps to address prevalent issues like anaemia in the region, thereby improving community health. 

Bolstering Indigenous communities, by improving communal health and ensuring financial security, helps them withstand exploitation of their land and rainforest.