If you want to champion the rainforest, now is the time to act
Deforestation is changing, and conservation needs to adapt, quickly.
Clear cutting has been replaced by small scale degradation. Bulldozers have been replaced by machetes. In the Amazon, illegal loggers take out the most valuable trees and decimate the ecosystem. In the Congo Basin, global demand for smartphones drives illicit mining of coltan in highly biodiverse areas. And worldwide, slash and burn for subsistence farming accounts for up to two-fifths of forest loss.
The answer to bulldozers lay in boardrooms. The answer to machetes is on the ground.
In most cases, small-scale deforestation is driven by poverty. When a community’s only asset is its trees, there are few choices when emergency funding is needed. Cool Earth exists to offer an alternative.
Developing sustainable incomes from the forest means trees are more valuable with their roots in the ground. This is what Cool Earth has done and will continue to do until tropical deforestation and degradation plays no part in climate change. It’s an ambitious mission, but it’s working.
You can help us empower rainforest champions all over the world and stop small-scale rainforest destruction. We have the knowledge and drive to save the rainforest, we just need to act now.
Be a rainforest champion.
From the depths of the Peruvian Amazon to Papua New Guinea and the forests of the Congo basin, you can put people first and help protect the world’s rainforest.
Thanks to two incredibly generous donors, your donations to Cool Earth from now until the end of the year will be matched. Pound for pound. Dollar for dollar. Meaning you can have twice the impact in 2019. If you want to champion the rainforest, now is the time to act.
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