Aerial image of rainforest burning in the Amazon.

The world is on fire: You can put it out

We’ve all seen the devastating footage. Endless news reports. Homes and livelihoods are being destroyed. It’s overwhelming and hard to know how to help.

The story we want to tell isn’t about fire.

It’s about people. Not as the victims of climate breakdown, but as the defenders against it. The world is on fire and they need your help.

The mums, brothers, cousins and grandparents, cacao growers, indigenous leaders, fish farmers, and students who live in rainforest are fighting rainforest wildfires right now.

The Rainforest Firefighters.

close up on a paddle stamping out smoking forest floor



You can defend rainforest too.

Voices, actions and mindset are powerful tools and to be frank, so is cash. Money creates possibilities for change. We see it every day in rainforest around the world.

Can you transform generosity and care into climate action?

Right now fires are burning in rainforest and the people living there are fighting back – now is the time to stand with them.

Back people living in rainforest. Fuel the Rainforest Firefighters and put out flames with your cash.

Donate to Cool Earth