Awajun community of Urakusa's forest

Meet Drocila

Keeping Awajún stories, and forest, alive.

Drocila’s list of achievements is impressive.

Vice President of Amarno, salesperson, mother, first-aider, coordinator, and trainer. She is a whirlwind of optimism.

Amarno, a local jewellery cooperative, is a women-led income-generating business in Cool Earth’s Awajún partnership. In the heart of the Northern Peruvian Amazon, Amarno has been sustainably using seeds, dried berries and other natural products from the forest, using their local knowledge to create intricate and unique jewellery designs.

Close up of handmade jewellery

A necklace, handmade by Drocila and Amarno.

The company has gone from strength to strength, thanks to the dedication and drive of women like Drocila. To her, Amarno is not just a way to earn a living, it’s a way to share knowledge, inspire her children, have greater input in decision-making at home and continue using the forest sustainably.

“I hope that my children are better than me, that’s why I strive to be able to educate my children.”

Under her charge Amarno has grown, allowing members to attend training and, with Cool Earth’s support, visit local markets and travel to fairs to generate income. It’s a key part of creating a local network that creates financial resilience and allows the cooperative to plan for the future.

Drocila told us that as well as having enough income to educate her children, feed them, take care of their health and buy medicines, her role with Amarno gives her the freedom to visit new places, meet people and exchange ideas.

Drocila, Vice president of Amarno

Drocila, Vice president of Amarno

Thanks to Drocila’s hard work, her children’s future is looking bright. She can provide an education to realise careers that they enjoy and broaden their horizons, helping her family for generations to come.

For Drocila and the rest of the cooperative, promoting their rich Awajún culture and heritage whilst earning a living is key. She is driven to grow Amarno and develop new jewellery designs, continuing to share the traditions and legends of the Awajún culture. Keeping the stories, and forest, alive.