An aerial image of a sunrise over tropical rainforest in Cambodia.

News and Stories

We see incredible climate action take place in rainforest around the world each and every day. Find stories and news to inspire your own climate action now.

Stories shape the future.

World Bee Day 2021

Today is Bee Day. We could have rattled off countless, eye-roll worthy puns, jokes and wordplay, but where would that get us? You wouldn’t know about Cool Earth beekeeping projects happening globally right now or the hives that get people…

Diversifying diets in the Peruvian Amazon

Chocolate, inga, fish. It’s not the start of a lockdown cookbook. Instead, these three ingredients may be a successful recipe for the Awajún to earn a living, feed their families and protect their forest.   On the banks…

Time for Nature

A report by Clifford Peter Yaee, Papua New Guinea Forest Project Coordinator.

Cornwall’s Climate Charity

Cool Earth is a not-for-profit organisation founded and based in Penryn, Cornwall. As Cornwall’s only climate charity, our vision is a world where tropical deforestation plays no part in climate change. As the only Cornish climate change charity, we are…

Meet Basiliana: Mother, Optimist, Conservationist.

Sitting outside her house in the foothills of Mount Namuli, Basiliana proudly told us about her son Filimonio’s work as a conservationist, promoting sustainable farming in rainforest. “I really like that Filimonio has his job and is enjoying himself” she…

Cool Earth’s BBC Radio 4 Appeal

We’re incredibly pleased to announce that nearly £30,000 was raised during Cool Earth’s BBC Radio 4 Appeal.   This will be instrumental for rainforest communities during the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, helping to feed families and protect forest. Thank you for…