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An aerial image of a sunrise over tropical rainforest in Cambodia.

News and Stories

We see incredible climate action take place in rainforest around the world each and every day. Find stories and news to inspire your own climate action now.

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King Tides in Papua New Guinea

  Last week Cool Earth’s partners in Papua New Guinea suffered one of the most extreme king tides on record. Surging waters flooded the coastal communities, with Gadaisu village being the worst affected. These annual super-high tides are capable…

Thank Goodness for You

Rainforest is only safe when local people earn more from keeping the forest standing than they would from clearing it. We build livelihoods and improve health to do just that. This ensures every village partnership creates sustainability, not dependency. Thanks…

August 1st was Earth Overshoot Day

We’re now living beyond our means. Past #EarthOvershootDay, humankind has already used all of the planet’s ecological resources and services that nature can regenerate in the entire year. Humans are currently using 1.7 Earths. This means that as a…

Thanks a million: making the world less boring

Since 2013 Cool Earth has been lucky enough to be the official charity partner of The Adventurists. A bunch of people like no other, they lead thousands of punters into the arms of Cool Earth every year. Their mission:…

Claudio Cardoso

Following an inspiring visit to the Asháninka partnership this year, Claudio Cardoso has worked tirelessly to raise awareness for them and Cool Earth, so they, and their forest can thrive. We caught up with him to find out what the…