An aerial image of a sunrise over tropical rainforest in Cambodia.

News and Stories

We see incredible climate action take place in rainforest around the world each and every day. Find stories and news to inspire your own climate action now.

Stories shape the future.

Why rainforest wildfires affect us all

All fire has the potential to be dangerous, life-changing, important. We know that. We also know that the health of rainforest affects the entire planet, all of us. 

Eight things we’ve learnt from the IPCC Report

This morning, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released the first of their climate change reports. If you take anything from this article then it is this; the time to act is now.

2021 IPCC Report: What You Need To Know

“Today is the International Day of World Indigenous Peoples. The IPCC draws on enormously, and also respects, indigenous knowledge all over the world. We recognise that traditional agricultural practices can be resilient to climate…indigenous knowledge systems and practices allow local…

People and planet need you to make a choice

Do you remember Earth Day last year? The pristine waters in Venice? Wild boars in Berlin? Nature reclaiming space, rejuvenating, healing in the wake of global lockdowns. It seemed as if our environment benefitted hugely from a lack of lockdown-induced…

I am Greta

We’re proud to partner with Dogwoof for the cinematic release of I Am Greta. Documenting a year in the life of Greta Thunberg, this film is a call to arms. We can make a difference together. The story of…

Cornwall’s Climate Charity

Cool Earth is a not-for-profit organisation founded and based in Penryn, Cornwall. As Cornwall’s only climate charity, our vision is a world where tropical deforestation plays no part in climate change. As the only Cornish climate change charity, we are…

Another threat to rainforest in 2020: Take action on forest fires

At this time last year, Earth’s tropical rainforest was burning with more severity than ever before. As the world watched on, the Congo Basin simmered and the Amazon burned. Last year, Brazil’s Amazon rainforest saw a record number of fires.