An aerial image of a sunrise over tropical rainforest in Cambodia.

News and Stories

We see incredible climate action take place in rainforest around the world each and every day. Find stories and news to inspire your own climate action now.

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How much carbon does your family use?

If you live in the developed world, chances are your annual carbon footprint varies from about eight tonnes per family to a whopping 42 tonnes. That’s the same as driving a car non-stop for 67 days. The families in rainforest…

Earth Day 2018

In the next 24 hours, deforestation will create as much CO2 as eight million people flying from London to New York. IN THE NEXT 24 SECONDS, YOU CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. There’s no denying that climate change is the…

King Tides in Papua New Guinea

  Last week Cool Earth’s partners in Papua New Guinea suffered one of the most extreme king tides on record. Surging waters flooded the coastal communities, with Gadaisu village being the worst affected. These annual super-high tides are capable…

August 1st was Earth Overshoot Day

We’re now living beyond our means. Past #EarthOvershootDay, humankind has already used all of the planet’s ecological resources and services that nature can regenerate in the entire year. Humans are currently using 1.7 Earths. This means that as a…

Fire in the rainforest

Rainforest fire is one of many effects of the climate crisis. Climate change seems to have hit the world with its full force this past year, contributing to more intense extreme weather. Back-to-back hurricanes devastated the Caribbean islands, monsoon…

Why Trees are Key to Fighting Climate Change

Trees are pretty special things. They provide oxygen, conserve water, improve air quality, preserve soil, support wildlife, and are some of the oldest and largest living beings on earth. Not only that, they are crucial foot soldiers in the fight against climate change.

The Carbon Exchange

A unique five-year experiment has shown that tall healthy trees share carbon with trees of different species. Underneath the soil, a vast network of fungi and fine plant roots grow together. This ‘mycorrhizal’ network allows the exchange of nutrients and…

El Niño and the rainforest

The monster El Niño in the Pacific is inflicting a severe drought on Papua New Guinea and elsewhere in the Pacific and beyond. It’s affecting about 2.5 million people in Papua New Guinea alone. Forecasters worry that the weather could…