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An aerial image of a sunrise over tropical rainforest in Cambodia.

News and Stories

We see incredible climate action take place in rainforest around the world each and every day. Find stories and news to inspire your own climate action now.

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If you want to champion the rainforest, now is the time to act

Deforestation is changing, and conservation needs to adapt, quickly. Clear cutting has been replaced by small scale degradation. Bulldozers have been replaced by machetes. In the Amazon, illegal loggers take out the most valuable trees and decimate the ecosystem. In…

Forest Faena

When you’re organising a school fundraiser, what springs to mind? A bake sale? In the Awajún, an army of dads comes together and it’s all about fish.

The Ghoul Earth Guide to Creepy Crawlies

Cool Earth field trips involve some of the most unusual, unnerving and ugly bugs that some of us have ever seen. Armed with thick socks, mosquito nets and insect repellent strong enough to power a small plane, we’ve gathered some…

The impact of energy efficient stoves in Lubutu

Cool Earth has funded a community-led project in the community of Lubutu looking at reducing fuelwood use by introducing energy efficient stoves.   Now this project is complete, 483 stoves have been built, and Cool Earth can present…

Mining in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Mining the Congo Rainforest: global demand for rare minerals is leading to increases in deforestation and degradation right across Central Africa. Copper, gold, diamonds, cobalt, uranium, and coltan are just some of the minerals found beneath the soil in the…

What’s rainforest without the rain?

Everyone knows rainforests are the lungs of the Earth. But they are also the heart of the world’s water system. And rainforests without rain are a threat to our planet’s future. Rainforests drive the flow of water as rain at…