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An aerial image of a sunrise over tropical rainforest in Cambodia.

News and Stories

We see incredible climate action take place in rainforest around the world each and every day. Find stories and news to inspire your own climate action now.

Stories shape the future.

Meet Drocila

Keeping Awajún stories, and forest, alive.

World Environment Day: Trees are living air-purifiers.

Nine out of ten people worldwide breathe polluted air. This causes millions of illnesses and deaths and needs action to be reduced. Trees act as air-cleaning machines, improving air quality in many ways.

Rainforest: Dispatches from Earth’s most vital frontlines

“I’m endlessly optimistic. If the people here can be given the assistance to lift their quality of life then they’re going to be able to do what culturally they want to do, which is to protect their homeland. This is…

Marin and Felix, Inga Pioneers

Rainforests don’t really have soil. They have compost heaps.   That’s because every organism works at such a metabolic rate that if a plant isn’t growing, it is being broken down by fungi to feed another plant. If you dig…

No empty Eden

Humans have lived in the Amazon rainforest much longer than previously thought. Stonehenge-like structures, 2,000 years old, have been discovered in Acre state in the western Brazilian Amazon. Swansea University’s Dr Neil Loader and Emeritus Prof. Alayne Street-Perrott are…

The Asháninka health promoters

Diarrhoea and malnutrition are the two biggest killers of young children in Cool Earth’s partnerships – this is where the The Asháninka health promoters come in. Health Promoters Mothers have worked with Cool Earth to set up a…

Chocolate: From Bean to Bar

Find out how these magic beans turn into income for over 300 families in our Asháninka project.

The Rainforest Lover

Valentine’s Day is fast approaching. A day that fills most of us rational beings with dread as soon as February comes round. Saying that we have a Love Story worthy of making even the most stony-hearted among us…

The power of sharing knowledge

Knowledge is even more powerful when it’s shared. This simple fact underpins Cool Earth’s rainforest partnerships. Whether it’s new, sustainable methods of fish farming, clever water storage, or the smartest school toilets you’ve ever seen, neighbours sharing bright ideas saves…