Equality and Diversity

Equality Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Statement

Cool Earth employs staff around the world to back people in rainforest communities to fight climate crisis. Diversity and inclusion is integral to our work and underpins our commitment to protecting the rainforest. The fight for equality and amplifying the voices of marginalised communities living in rainforest is our daily work.

We aspire towards being a more equitable, diverse, and inclusive workforce by ensuring power and privilege is addressed throughout our organisation, and that this work is reflected in our values and embedded in our practises and individual behaviours. We know that in working together, we can achieve much more.

We believe that everyone has the right to live without fear or prejudice regardless of age, race, sex, gender reassignment, sexual orientation, marriage and civil partnership, religion or belief, pregnancy and maternity, disability, and beyond the protected characteristics, the multiple intersecting and overlapping factors of advantage and disadvantage.

To help us achieve our goal of a diverse and inclusive workplace, we have implemented the following initiatives. We still have much work to do but so far in 2021 we have:

  • Established an EDI working group across the organisation
  • Established regular staff-led discussion groups and presentations
  • Created educational EDI reading lists and dedicated reading days
  • Board-approved strategic objectives and actions for the next 12 months
  • Developing accessibility-first digital strategies
  • All UK staff attendance at the BAME Fundraising Conference 2020
  • Regular attendees at the BOND People of Colour in Development Group
  • Created a dedicated budget for EDI development at Cool Earth
  • Senior Leadership team is now comprised of 80% women
  • Increased representation of women on our Trustee board by 300%
  • Showing the salary in all our advertised job roles

Cool Earth is committed to providing equal opportunities to all current and prospective employees regardless of age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity, race or ethnicity, religion or belief, gender identity, or marriage and civil partnership.

Cool Earth adopts a zero-tolerance approach to discrimination on any of the protected grounds in the Equality Act 2010.