Gift Acceptance Policy

The policy sets the standards for Cool Earth’s commitment to ethical funding in line with charity law, the Fundraising Regulator Code of Fundraising Practice, and our organisational values.

Cool Earth is committed to making decisions that benefit the Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities we support. We aim to raise funds in ways that are ethical and socially responsible. 

Our Vision, Mission  and Values are at the core of everything we do and must be considered when making funding decisions. Wherever there is perceived risk to our objectives, programmes, reputation, or brand in accepting the donation, we will screen to the best of our knowledge, resources and ability.

This policy will be reviewed regularly in line with the above.We adhere to UK Charity Commission guidelines and work in line with the recommendations of the Fundraising Regulator.

Donation Acceptance and Refusal Policy

This policy sets out the criteria for the acceptance and refusal of donations of money or gifts in kind by Cool Earth.

Cool Earth can and will only accept lawful donations. We cannot accept a donation where it is known that the donation comprises the proceeds of crime, including suspicion of money laundering.

When considering whether to accept or reject a gift, Cool Earth will assess if the contribution will benefit our work without compromising or causing harm to the people we work with, and our wider mission, values, independence, reputation and credibility.

We reserve the right to refuse donations or terminate partnerships where the activities of the organisation or individual directly conflict with our mission to back people to protect rainforest and fight the climate crisis. 

Donations from the Private Sector

All private sector donation opportunities are subject to a due diligence check by our Partnerships team. Donations with a value over £25,000 are subject to the completion of an in-depth business screening. 

Private sector donations with a value over £100,000 must be raised with the Head of Fundraising and Engagement and in certain circumstances, the Senior Leadership Team for review. Multi-year partnerships are reviewed annually. 

Cool Earth will only enter into corporate partnerships where the company adheres to our Modern Slavery Statement.

Donations from Individuals 

Any donations at a value over £10,000 will be subject to a due diligence process wherever possible to understand the source and how it aligns with Cool Earth’s Donations Acceptance and Refusal Policy, with the income stream lead being responsible. 

Any donations over a value of £25,000 must be flagged with the Head of Fundraising and Engagement and in certain circumstances, the Senior Leadership Team for review.

The above follows the processes stated in our privacy policy for individual donor research.

Responsibility for the Policy 

The Cool Earth Board of Trustees is ultimately responsible for this policy, with the support of our Senior Leadership Team. 

The Board delegates day-to-day responsibility for decisions on donation acceptance in regards to ethical fundraising and reputational risk to the Senior Leadership Team and the Head of Fundraising and Engagement. 

All Cool Earth Staff and Trustees have a responsibility to be aware and have a thorough understanding of the ethical issues referred to in this policy.

Further Reading

Cool Earth’s Fundraising promise 

The Fundraising Regulator

Complaints Process

Fundraising Preference Service