Amazon Rainforest

Big trees, even bigger threats and massive opportunities to cool Earth.

The Amazon Rainforest is the biggest in the world.

Spanning 634 million hectares and eight countries, the Amazon is an essential carbon sink that captures and stores 123 billion tonnes of Earth cooling carbon – this is why we work with people who live here.

We can’t talk about the Amazon without highlighting the incredible rivers and waterways that stretch over 6,000 km. This artery of water gives life to plants, trees, over 1,300 birds, 3,000 types of fish and 430 species of mammals. We’re talking jaguars, electric eels, capybara, and the toco toucan. There are of course insects here too in the millions, all crucial to a healthy forest.

This is half the story. Beyond the rich biodiversity there are people, who are so often excluded from the Amazonian narrative. Millions of indigenous people from more than 50 ethnic groups live in the Peruvian area of the Amazon alone. People who have managed the land sustainably for tens of thousands of years. We are determined that they remain part of the Amazon story and that with our support, continue to steward and nurture rainforest as part of their daily lives.

Carbon Capture in the Amazon

The Amazon Rainforest affects all life on Earth with its ability to capture carbon.

How Rainforests Capture Carbon