An aerial image of a sunrise over tropical rainforest in Cambodia.

News and Stories

We see incredible climate action take place in rainforest around the world each and every day. Find stories and news to inspire your own climate action now.

Stories shape the future.

Community: a reason for celebration

A village celebration in the Peruvian Amazon gave us a powerful reminder of the importance and potency of community.   You’re part of a community. Possibly one of the fastest-growing and most important communities on Earth. A community out to…

Acting beyond borders in Papua New Guinea

We leapfrogged formality with the RWSSP to save lives and protect rainforest.   Borders are blurry. Many parts of the world have an excruciating, and sometimes dangerous, obsession with borders. Our homes, towns, districts and countries as a whole use…

Lula vs Bolsonaro – Hope for the Brazilian Amazon

Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has a 15% lead in the polls ahead of President Jair Bolsonaro ahead of the first round of elections due on October 2nd (Reuters) . If 50% of the vote isn’t secured by either…

Cash. A force for good.

Cool Earth’s Martin Simonneau spoke at ‘Is direct giving the future of aid?”, an event hosted by design agency Human After All.   Speaking alongside Guillermo Rodriguez-Guzman from the Centre for Homelessness and Rachel Waddell from Give Directly.

Hotter, faster, stronger – extreme weather hits home

Floods, droughts and heatwaves are increasing in frequency and severity around the globe. When extreme weather patterns become the norm, it also becomes impossible to ignore the link between weather and climate breakdown. For many, this is not the new…

We believe in Indigenous peoples

People living in rainforest have protected it for thousands of years – let’s fight for this to continue for thousands more.   Today is International day of the world’s Indigenous peoples.   For us, it’s Indigenous people’s Day 365, 24/7.

The pen is mightier than the bulldozer

Rainforest conversation has a grim history. Something we strive to resolve. One way we do this is by returning autonomy to the people we work with, people we believe in and know are crucial to turning the tide on the…

La Niña and the health crisis in Parijaro

Living in rainforest can mean living in extremely remote locations. Remoteness in many of our rainforest partnerships leads to limited access to infrastructure and facilities that can be taken for granted in other parts of the world, such as reliable…